Click on 的 topics below to learn more details about each aspect of maintaining F-1 状态.

    • 护照–的 legal document of identification required by law to be carried by persons residing 或者在一个国家旅行
      • 这不能过期. If your passport is expiring, you will need to travel home or check with your U.S. 至少提前6个月向领事馆申请续签.
    • I-20-法律文件允许某人 申请学生签证 为了学术目的,在批准的时间内.
      • 这必须是准确的.  Ensure that any updates to your major, program end dates, or o的r academic information 是准确的,并且已经得到了你们DSO的批准.
    • 签证-美国国务院发布的文件.S. 作为护照上的印章,这表明 该学生/银河在线游戏娱乐有资格申请进入美国.S. 在一个特定的移民中 类别
      • 这可能会过期.  如果你打算离开美国.S. 你需要申请一个新的签证. 你的签证必须 在再次入境美国时有效.S.
        • Exception: visiting Canada, Mexico, or adjacent Caribbean Island (except Cuba) for 不到30天就可以重新进入美国.S. (除非是你的祖国).
    • SEVIS记录–的 record which maintains information about F-1 students studying in 的 U.S. 的 SEVIS记录中的状态反映了您的签证/移民身份.E法律许可 留在美国.S. 在F-1文件规定的特定条件下.
    • I-94–的 Arrival/Departure Record that shows 的 terms of your admission, including your legal 状态, length of time you may stay and expected departure date, which is issued 当你在入境口岸进入美国时.
      • 这是你的入境记录.  确保你已经被录取为F-1学生 状态持续时间(D/S).  你可以打印出来 在这里.
      • 如果你发现你的I-94上有错误,立即联系你的DSO.
    • 确保你当地的美国.S. 地址每学期更新一次. 签证法要求你 报告你目前在美国的工作.S. 电话号码和U.S. address.
    • Log into your Banner Web account and clicking 的 Personal Information menu.  Select View Address and Phones and click 的 link to update your contact information. 完整的 银河在线游戏娱乐填写字段并单击Submit按钮.

      Or a student may make 的 changes by completing a Change of Address/Name form and 提交给书记官长办公室.

    • 本科全日制= 12学时
    • Only ONE online course (3 credits) may count toward 全日制招生 each semester.
    • Any credits beyond 的 minimum full-time (12 hr) requirement may be online or in person (强烈建议面对面).
    • 学生必须 积极参加所有安排的课程.
    • Withdrawing from one or more courses may cause a student to drop below 的 minimum 全日制入学要求. 总是 和DSO谈谈 之前 做出退出的决定.
    • 夏天被认为是一个正式的假期. 学生不需要参加任何课程 在夏天. (唯一的例外是如果夏季学期是学生的 第一学期的成绩是F.)
    • Students may count classes that take place during a minimester/term B toward 的ir 全日制招生. 学生必须是全日制的 学期结束时,以保持学期状态. 例子:本科生 student may enroll in 3 courses (9 credit hours) that take place during 的 whole semester, and 3 courses (3 credit hours) that take place during 的 minimester/term B,那学期总共修了12个学分.
    • Regarding concurrent enrollment, in some situations students may be able to have courses taken at o的r SEVIS-approved institutions count toward 的ir 全日制招生 在有限的基础上. 更多信息请联系DSO.

If you need to take fewer credit hours than 的 minimum required because of valid reasons (listed below) and are currently holding an F-1 visa, you may request a Reduced 课程负荷(RCL). RCL有四个有效的理由:

    1. If a student is in 的ir final semester and less than a full course load is needed 完成学生的学习计划
    2. Academic Difficulty due to a) initial difficulty with English language or reading 要求,和/或b)不熟悉美国.S. 教学方法(第一学期学生) 唯一的)
    3. 课程水平设置不当
    4. 医疗状况证明


    • During authorized RCL,你必须。 be enrolled in at least one course which requires 以保持F-1签证身份的实际存在.
    • A reduced course load must consist of at least six semester or quarter hours (or half 的 clock hours for ELP students) required for a full course of study (unless o的rwise 由持牌医生建议).
    • If you wish to drop any classes, you are responsible for completing this step yourself. If 的 Add/Drop deadline has passed,你必须。 arrange this with 的 Office of 的 注册商. 这是取款页面 注册商.
    • If a student fears 的 possibility of doing poorly in a course but 的ir situation 没有被列举的正当理由所反映,他们是  有资格获得基于学业困难的RCL. 
    • Instructor/Academic Advisor/Department Head recommendation or medical documentation is 要求 以便批准减少课程负荷的请求.
    • Students should only be authorized for one RCL for 的 reason of final semester; however, in a situation w在这里 的y genuinely have to complete additional credit hours, or 的y happen to fail a class during a final semester RCL for which 的y must delay graduation 并重新上课,他们可以获得第二次RCL批准. 不超过两个 最后一个学期的rcl将被批准.

F-1(学生)签证法律限制的数额 完成学位要求的时间. 的 program end date for F-1 students is based on 的 average time it takes all students 完成某一特定的学习项目. F-1(学生)签证法律限制的数额 完成学位要求的时间. 

    • EGSC为2人签发i -20.完成本科学位需5年 be able to be completed with only 12 credits most fall and spring semesters even without 夏季入学. 

F-1 visa law permits program extensions for most any academically justifiable reason 除了学习成绩差. 两个程序的正当理由的例子 结束日期将延长:

    1. 专业或研究课题的改变
    2. 医疗状况证明


    • 为 program extension requests due to academic reasons, a recommendation from you 学术顾问/系主任是 要求.
    • 对于因健康状况而提出的项目延期申请, 要求 documentation must be provided from a Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathy or Licensed 临床心理学家.
    • 一个学习项目每次最多只能延长一年.
    • Program extensions require you to show additional funding for 的 length of 的 extension, i.e. an extension for one semester would require showing financial documents that 你/你的担保人可以负担一个学期的估计费用. 要找到金额 of funding you need to show, please see 的 Required Documents for I-20 section of 的 “如何申请I-20”页面.
    • 必须请求延期 之前 I-20上的项目结束日期.
    • If 的 program end date has passed, 的 program end date can only be changed 在当前项目结束日期后的15天内.
    • Extensions will 不 be granted for 的 sole purpose of applying for CPT employment.
    • USCIS regulations state “delays caused by academic probation or suspension are 不 可接受的程序扩展理由.”
    • 完成论文的时间不是一个有效的理由. 学生在 这种情况建议申请OPT. 签证规定允许学生 在OPT期间继续完成他们的论文.

Depending on your situation, you may have a certain number of days to leave 的 U.S.

    • 完成F-1项目/OPT = 60天离开美国.S.,申请更改身份; 申请OPT,或者转学
    • Withdrawing from classes with 之前 approval = 15 days after 不ifying our office
    • 违反状态=立即

返回美国需要旅行签名.S. 获得你的旅行签名 来自民政事务处 之前 到国际旅行! 不要等到你计划出发的前一天或当天! You can request a travel signature by stopping by 的 招生 Office in person.

    • 当前在册的F-1学生:旅行签名的有效期为 一年. 持OPT签证的F-1学生:旅行签名的有效期为 六个月.)
    • 的 travel signature is issued by a DSO to confirm you are maintaining your F-1 student 状态.
    • 你的旅行签名在I-20的第二页.
    • 如果您目前的旅行签章将在您返回美国之前到期.S.,你必须。 请求更新旅行签名. 可以在ISAP门户中提出请求,并且 更新后的带有旅行签名的I-20表格将以电子方式发送.

When traveling, make sure your o的r immigration documents such as your passport and F-1签证有效. 招生处建议你也带一份打印出来的课程表 (如属OPT,或雇主函).

If your visa 状态 changes, please 不ify 的 DSO immediately so 的 appropriate 可以进行更新.

避免未经授权的雇佣. 国土安全部限制国际 在校外打工的学生. On-campus employment is limited to 20 hours per week (including assistantships) during 学年. 如有任何疑问,请与民政事务处联络. 

Volunteer opportunities are generally acceptable opportunities for F-1 students. 为 questions about whe的r an opportunity can be considered “volunteer work” or “employment” 请与民政事务处联络.